2024 Annual review - a small review

I like hosting reflection groups. I try to structure this, like most things I host, as part of Catalyst.

Grateful for Ben taking some inconspicuous pictures!

This year, I hosted a small 2024 reflection group. I had around 8 carefully invited people from founder/tech/academic areas come over, drink tea, and dig deep into what's going on in our lives we like to let go of, understand better, or fuel in 2025.

To help kick things off, I made this 'A la carte' menu people could choose from. I figured it might be helpful for you too. Here are some of the key questions:

  • What were your ‘catalyst events’ of the year? How did they change the trajectory of your year?
  • What habits led to the positive catalyst events? And negative?
  • Whose behavior merited celebration?
  • Where in my life or work am I currently seeking comfort when a little discomfort is needed?

We intentionally created a relaxed ambiance that allowed for honest reflection, while the format helped us stay focused on what truly matters—growing as individuals and shaping a future.

If you’d like access to the reflection prompts we used, send me a Twitter DM. I'd be happy to share!

And afterwards we played some games :)